What is Power Scaling?
Power Scaling™ is an audio amplifier methodology developed by Kevin O'Connor
of London Power.
Power Scaling allows players to achieve the same musical tone as their
preferred "loud sound," but at a much lower volume.
Earlier amp designers sought to achieve effective scaling of power, but never quite
got there. London Power refined and fully developed the technology to allow the
of an amplifier to be dialed down to whatever level a player needs.
London Power incorporates Power Scaling in its own line of amplifiers,
as do other manufacturers by way of licence. Small builders and hobbyists can also
access Power Scaling via London Power's Power Scaling Kits.
The "Power Scaling Forum"
Fans of the previous Power Scaling Forum found at this URL will enjoy our new forum, "The Ultimate Tone." Come on in where it's warm!
More information on Power Scaling:
Power Scaling Kits in London Power's Online Catalogue
Power Scaling Q & A
About London Power's Power Scaling Kits
Selecting a London Power Power Scaling Kit
Licensed Power Scaling Builders and Installers